When your calendar is connected, Convoke can set up meetings based on your availability and add them to your calendar. 

When signing up for Convoke, new users are given the opportunity to grant access to a calendar. If your's is not connected, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the Connect section of the Convoke app.

2. Click the button: Add New Calendar. Choose which calendar you would like to connect to: Google or Outlook.

3. Sign in to your calendar host and select the account that is associated with the calendar you want to connect.

Nice! You can now find your connected calendar under the Connect section of Convoke.


But wait... there's more

In 2024, Convoke beta users can connect unlimited email accounts and calendars to one Convoke account. Learn more.

When you cc Scheduler in an email, it will book the meeting on the default calendar associated with the email address you used to initiate the meeting.